Tuesday, February 25, 2020

On Mardi Gras the Irish Eat Crêpes.

I learned by accident that in Ireland, what we call crepes the Irish call pancakes. Years ago friends took me to Pancake Cottage on the road over Moll's Gap. I didn't understand that Irish pancakes come in savory and sweet, just like they do at the Crepe Place in Santa Cruz. Had I known, I would have been as excited as I am right now this minute thinking about them.

The other thing I've learned is that Mardi Gras, or Shrove Tuesday, or the Day-Before-Ash-Wednesday, is called Pancake Day, and children look forward to pancakes for dinner. We forgot to have pancakes for dinner tonight, but I hope we have them tomorrow morning because we're not Catholic and can do what we want. 

If you want American pancakes, some cafes have what they call American pancakes, but I've never had any that weren't thick and overcooked. The feather-light Irish pancakes are what you really want.

Pancake Day is the only current Lenten tradition I know of personally. Some people I know observe Lenten abstentions, but most people are doing Dry January instead these days. 

For those who need the reminder, Catholics observe a season of fasting from meat, drink, and other luxuries 40 days before Easter. Because Easter is a Sunday, Lent always starts on a Wednesday, so the Tuesday before is always a bit of a party. It's the last day to party until Easter. 

Except in Ireland. St. Patrick's Day is always in the middle of Lent, as the Tommy Tiernan tells it.

I've only ever eaten fresh pancakes, but I've seen "pancakes" in the shops pre-cooked, that you... put in the microwave?


Piece Of Shit Mother Seems To Think Small Round American Pancakes Acceptable Purchase

A TERRIBLE Waterford based mother has been reported to child welfare services after thinking she could bring home shop bought small, thick and circular American style ‘pancakes’ for her children and just get away with it.
Described by social workers as one of the most disturbing cases they’ve ever had the displeasure of working on, Siobhan Hearty (37) henceforth known as a ‘piece of shit mother’, served up microwave heated American style pancakes; the sort that are reviled by all right-thinking Irish people.
“It was horrific, the kids were there all distraught looking at these small thick circular yokes, bland yokes that don’t taste of anything, and her, the mother, without an ounce of guilt on her face,” confirmed one social worker who admitted immediately phoning the armed police unit when she realised what was going on.

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