The badger’s mushroom garden.
Polypore on a felled pine.
Puff ball
Coral mushrooms
Golden chanterelles. I ate some of these under the supervision of an expert.
More corals.
Sulfur puffs
Probably death caps.
An aged amanita. Dog for scale.
This one is so cool I don’t even want to know what it is.
These were growing on the side of a ring for.
This russela didn’t give up when it found itself inside a hollow log.
Mushrooms on mushrooms.
Russelas some in all colors.
Artemis for scale.
I don’t know what the purple one is, but the little orange ones are jelly babies.
Little LBMs growing around the neighborhood well.
I found one amanita muscaria this season. Growing by itself at the edge of a pine wood, no others of its kind in sight.
Lilac bonnet or radish mushroom because of its smell.